
Tuesday Night Open

Killgore Trout11/10/2010 8:10:10 am PST

Not much reaction to Glenn Beck’s craziest show last night but here’s a British perspective….
Beck on Soros

I couldn’t really watch very much of Glenn Beck’s ballyhooed “expose” of George Soros on his show last night, and I don’t really know whether this sort of thing should be taken seriously or simply dismissed and ignored. (No, I’m not linking to it.) But as one who doesn’t watch Beck, I have to say that I was flabbergasted at his techniques.

It really is shocking that something like this could be on American “news” television. I mean, not much is shocking these days, but this is just rancid propaganda, delivered (almost) openly as propaganda, with just enough of a patina of “information,” a structure and rhythm similar enough to that of a standard news-magazine show, that it can just barely pass as one to those who want to believe it.