
Video: Boardwalk Empire's Unnoticed Computer Graphics

Birth Control Works1/01/2011 9:03:27 pm PST

re: #317 Escaped Hillbilly

re: #309

Our crazy dog used to go nuts, straining at the end of his run to get at the “something” that was lurking out in the creek area behind our house and demanding we take him on hours long “hunts” through the brush sniffing it out. Then one day it got int the house. A cat. It came right in and sat on the counter. The dog climbed on my son’s chest and wouldn’t get off. He’s not a small dog. But the kid is bigger and pushed him off. Now Jake just ignores the cat which uses his dog door to come and go as it pleases and even eats his dog food. Crazy dog.

They seem to make a distinction between what is inside the house and what is outside.

Unless it is a trained Brittany. Never trust a Brittany—trained or not.