
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/09/2011 12:42:38 pm PDT

re: #315 Gus 802

Here’s your Republican “jobs” and “economy” program:

Congress expands Fast and Furious probe to White House

Nothing like a witch hunt to prevent anything from getting done - while Rome is burning. What plans they do have for America will destroy this nation, our economy and our liberties. Any chance to do anything to fix things is blocked by their callous shenanigans.

I hate Republicans.

I hate them with the blazing heat of a million supernovas. I hate them for being smug and arrogant. I hate them for their stupidity. I hate them for their inability to care for anyone but themselves. I hate their ignorance. I hate them for the way they profane God by invoking His name for their evil actions. I hate them for their endless fear and whining. They are a lot of cringing bed wetters. I hate them for their racism. I hate them for impoverishing the average American. I hate them for destroying our chances to prevent an eco-collapse. I hate them because my little neices and nephews will grow into a nightmare world.