
Overnight Video: How a Bicycle Is Made (1945)

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/20/2012 9:55:26 am PDT

More details:

Tinley Park brawl between white supremacists, ‘anti-racists’

The “anti-fascists” boasted of the violent attack on their own website, promising more to come. The first of four key unity principles cited on the website states: “Whenever fascists are active or organizing in public, we’re there. We don’t believe in ignoring them or staying away from them. Never let the Nazis have the street.”

Apparently they don’t believe in letting the Nazis have dinner either.

One witness told Fox Chicago News that, just before the brawl, the attackers gathered in a lot near the restaurant. They were dressed entirely in black, wearing hoodies and bandannas to conceal their identity. He said the attackers were all white, including a mix of young men and women who may have been in their 20s. He said they loudly chanted political slogans. Then, armed with baseball bats, nunchuks and hammers, they ran screaming through the restaurant’s front door. “

What a bunch of fools. Jail the lot of them.