
James O'Keefe Settles on $100,000 Payment to Smeared ACORN Employee

Dr Lizardo3/07/2013 5:53:07 pm PST

re: #316 FriendsofHummus

Yeah, people always say Hitler was elected when they’re justifying their so and so equals Hitler rant. He wasn’t elected. Hindenberg with pressure from Von Papen appointed him Chancellor which as you point out was a huge political miscalculation considering the Reichstag fire that happened not long after and Hindenberg’s death not long after.

Von Papen and his cronies figured Hitler would be a nice, compliant lump of putty in their hands. Yeah………not so much. The various conservative parties figured they could easily control Hitler, and he would do whatever they told him to do, basically a puppet. Turned out they’d appointed the puppetmaster, not the puppet. Hitler took them all down in no time at all.