
'You Only Live Twice' - the Nancy Sinatra Remix

austin_blue9/09/2013 8:21:10 pm PDT

re: #27 Stephen T.

The protagonist doesn’t have to be a good guy to make for an interesting story. With the popularity of morally ambiguous male leads in shows right now (Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Dexter, etc.) I’m surprised that the original Bond, you know, the one that came before the movies, isn’t more popular.

He was great for 1957. But it would never work in the modern day. Breaking Bad’s lead makes crank. Dexter is a serial killer, controlled. Bond is MI-6.

re: #26 darthstar

Speaking of Bond - License to Kill is starting right now. It’s better than watching the Houston Texans…even though Timothy Dalton was the worst Bond ever.

I will respectfully disagree. Dalton was expected to be the return to grit after Moore’s Bond went so far off the rails the series became self-parody. It was too soon and it didn’t work. So they brought in Brosnan who was a transitional Bond- more palatable. Dalton was the proto-Craig.