
In Gaza Siege, Atheist Author Sam Harris Finds Yet Another Opportunity to Disparage Islam

CuriousLurker8/10/2014 5:33:00 pm PDT

re: #31 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Of course, I don’t have the final answers, but the topic is worth discussing so I hope you’ll forgive me a bit more verbosity ;)

There’s nothing to forgive—thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly!

I wasn’t aware that there was any controversy over the Ethiopian Jews or I wouldn’t have used them as an example, they were just the first ones I thought of where they would have both Muslims & Jews and be very far removed (culturally, geographically, and linguistically) from European Muslims & Jews.

Muslims don’t really see themselves as sharing ancestry in the same way Jews do, assuming that Ethiopian Jews believe they have a traceable blood ancestry. That said, unity or tawhid is the central defining concept of Islam—the unity/singularity of God, unity of creation & humankind, and the unity of the Ummah. In fact, praying towards Mecca and going there for Hajj is symbolic of that unity. Every Muslim man is to be considered my “brother” and every Muslim woman my “sister”, and we’re supposed to always greet another Muslim with “assalaamu aleikum”, even if it’s a total stranger on the street.

Of course, in practice that doesn’t always happen (it’s more common among converts IMO, maybe because they feel a bit more enthusiastic). In any event the original Muslim Arabs saw themselves as sharing a common ancestor with Jews in Ibrahim (Abraham), and all Muslims, Jews, and Christians—actually, all humans period—would share a common ancestry with Adam. Tha’ts why humans are often referred to as Bani Adam (The “tribe” or children/sons of Adam).

LOL, now that I’ve totally muddied the waters, I’m going to go back and read what you wrote again before I get ready for bed.