
Hilariously Sassy Trump in... "Lyin' Trump!"

goddamnedfrank8/16/2016 11:35:27 pm PDT

re: #3 darthstar

Don’t. I don’t. I haven’t listened to more than three sentences from Trump in one sitting since April. It’s all for show. I refuse to buy into it…or give him the satisfaction of my being offended by what he says.

This is such a weird reaction. We’ve been given a window into the raw thought stream of a guy who has been an obvious racist for an incredibly long time and you refuse to believe what you’re seeing is genuine because why exactly? Like you really think the guy who was sued by the Nixon DOJ for refusing to rent to blacks is just putting on a show? Like the guy who reportedly had black employees removed from his sight when he toured his casinos is going to magically transform into a non racist once his candidacy ends? Like the guy who has steadfastly refused to believe Obama was legitimately born in this country despite all evidence to the contrary is going to put back on the thinly constructed veneer of respectability and THAT will be the real Trump, not the raging ego driven narcissistic bigot we see before us bathing in the applause of his adoring, atavistic white fans? Like the guy who has demonstrated an utter inability to pivot when pivoting is what he absolutely needs to do both politically and electorally is just faking his entire persona?

I seriously wonder about the perceptive filters you apply to the reality in front of you in order to maintain the hot take bakery that is your brain.