
GOP Senate Nominee (And Far Right Religious/Homophobic "Culture Warrior") Roy Moore Accused of Sexually Assaulting 14-Year Old Girl

allegro11/09/2017 11:23:50 am PST


This has me seething. Because of yet another instance of sexual abuse and harassment? Nah, I expect that. Always have. Just like every other woman. It’s what we LIVE and have lived forever. Don’t speak out? Get punished. Speak out? Get punished worse. Lose jobs. Lose careers. Get blacklisted as “troublemakers”.

So what has me seething today more than usual? Because until it’s a political weapon, it simply isn’t an issue of importance is it? It’s always been this way, men abusing and harassing women, molesting girls. So what? It’s only getting attention at the moment (just like during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings when such surprise and horror was feigned) because it’s a tool to harm a political opponent. It isn’t about the reality of women’s lives and the bullshit that will continue to be tolerated.