
Another Astounding Tiny Desk Concert: Alfredo Rodríguez Trio [VIDEO]

jaunte10/26/2018 8:46:24 pm PDT

“….As I was parking my car, I could hear a woman’s voice on a loudspeaker, playing on a loop that stated something like this (paraphrasing the very first sentence because I didn’t catch it on audio recording).

“President Trump values the first amendment, just as much as he values the second amendment. This is a private event paid for and hosted by ‘Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.’ and you came to hear the President. To accommodate the right to free speech and peaceful assembly while securing an orderly rally, we have provided a secure area outside the gates for all protestors and we ask anyone choosing to demonstrate to please exit to that secure area. Despite this accommodation some individuals may seek to disrupt our patriotic event and President Trump needs YOUR help in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere at all times. If a protest starts near you please do not in any way touch or harm a protestor. Please notify law enforcement officers of the location of the protestor by holding a rally sign over your head and chanting “Trump! Trump! Trump!” Encourage others around you to do the same until officers can remove the protestor from the rally. We’re glad you are here for this special occasion with Donald Trump. Thank you for helping us make America great again!” Her matter of fact instructions fade into the first notes of “Freebird” at top volume. My break with reality begins, and I feel actual chills in this new dystopia.

The second time I heard the looped instructions in the lilting woman’s voice, I was in line, and became aware of everyone around me surveying each other, looking for any signs of “otherness” and ready to call anyone out for thinking or speaking differently.

This was encouraged mob mentality. Groupthink at its worst. Before even entering the arena, we were being asked to join Trump’s army of peer pressure, intolerance and sameness. That initial shock of just how deep his need for control runs still sends shivers down my spine.”

“Burn the witch!”