
Seth Meyers: Federal Investigators Are Considering Sedition Charges for the Coup Attempt, and Examining Trump's Role

Hecuba's daughter3/22/2021 8:23:09 pm PDT

re: #25 jaunte

After the Sandy Hook massacre, the response of a gun nut friend is seared in my memory: his only concern was that the tragedy would lead to limits on gun owners; he showed no compassion for those who lost their lives. Earlier Boebert did express the standard minimum GOP thoughts and prayers, but no one in the party has any interest in supporting serious measures to address this problem and prevent its constant recurrence. Virginia Tech failed to change minds, Sandy Hook failed, Las Vegas failed, Parkland failed — what, pray tell, will finally penetrate the brains of the ghouls who lead the GOP? Is there anything that will awaken in them a sense of decency or a desire to persuade their base that enough is finally enough? After all, gunowners don’t even care if their 2 year old kills another child or their parent — because it was an unforeseeable accident. Are we doomed to this endless cycle of death?