
An Exceptional Tiny Desk (Home) Concert: Yebba

Belafon1/29/2022 6:53:50 pm PST

For reasons that are absolutely baffling to me, my company has decided that all of the software developers have to take Security+ training and pass the test. Annoyingly, the only certification I will have beyond a bachelors and masters degrees will be in a field I don’t want to learn about. I’ve decided the analogy is the equivalent of having to learn to build a plane in order to renew my driver’s license.

And, in order to make it easy on you, they’re cramming a ten day course with a ton of things to memorize into a four day course with a test on the fifth day. The one thing I don’t do well is memorize. I practice. So I have bought a book. I have until the week of March 18th to read it in addition to the other stuff I am trying to do, which includes helping my almost 17 year old with his classes.

* When I say baffling, I know they have their reasons, but it seems to fit into other training I have to take that really doesn’t relate to my job. Some people have to know those things, but I don’t need to, and yet for some reason I have to take them anyway.