
And Now, an Absolutely Amazing Solo Acoustic Guitar Piece: Mike Dawes, "The Impossible"

A Mom Anon2/19/2022 7:55:04 pm PST

re: #30 Belafon

I guess that’s most of it. I just wonder if there is ever going to be a way to get humans to lose the hate somehow. Minimize the fuck out of it at least. Hate and fear are what makes it easy to commit atrocities, so how do we attack those things and minimize them? It’s not one thing it’s a bunch of things I think, but in the meantime, how do you fight back and stop this without doing even more damage?

Large groups of humans are needed to make change work, and that means communities have to be strong enough to stomp down hate and remain compassionate at the same time. I’m not extremely optimistic that we can do this. At least in the US. I’m not sure about other places.