
A Tour De Force From Laura Marling: "Strange" (fka "The Simple Life") - Guild Guitars Session

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus1/01/2024 11:43:57 pm PST

Since I’m shopping for a computer I read quite a number of websites and forums, and watch YouTube videos by “tech” reviewers.

And, showing my age here, it seems there are a lot of whiny brats who love to hate on certain things.

Lots of Apple haters. It’s an odd phenomenon but it is what 2023 and now 2024 brings us.

Linux has collected a weird following. Seem like so-called “libertarian” nuts.

Many “tech” (how I hate that term) reviewers don’t really know how things work or how they are made. They are just professional shoppers and low-rung marketers, who are willing to do a job for major corporations for peanuts.

Lots of negative reviews for certain kinds of hardware, especially monitors. I can understand this, as the typical monitor is really not made to be a statement of design or construction.

“Gamers”, as they call themselves, are really insulating themselves from reality, or so it seems to me. They think 120Hz refresh rate is all that matters. I think there is something going horribly wrong with our society if young people get histrionic over 60Hz refresh rates on monitors. Call me a fuddy-duddy if you will.

Looking at how people type in their videos, has anyone under 40 y.o. learned to type properly?

No, I don’t want a keyboard that glows in rainbow colors that are constantly changing.

Rare to find people discussing printers. 30 years ago the big deal was getting smaller and lighter laser printers. Does anyone print stuff out any more? (Note, I haven’t had a working printer in 5 or 6 years, so I guess I should talk…)

Because smartphones are so ubiquitous now I wonder what will happen if something drastic happens and wireless no longer is available.


Bottom line: not looking forward to spending lots of money just to get a set-up I will enjoy.