
Overnight Open Thread

ladycatnip8/13/2009 11:46:26 pm PDT

#16 zombie

How is the average American expected to sort this all out? The political white noise machine is drowning out any semblance of clarity, and it’s gotten to the unfortunate point that one chooses which side one is on mostly for political reasons, not because one has accurately assessed the data. Because the data is simply too complicated, too specialized, and too politicized to assess.

Science used to be a discussion. Now it’s a room full of people with their fingers in their ears saying “Lalalalalala I can’t hear you!”

Thank you for that - absolutely, brilliantly spot on. I’m sick and tired of politics muddying the waters of science. I’d like to see us hold politics to the same standard we hold faith - stay out of science!

Excellent post.