
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

Cineaste2/19/2011 11:03:47 am PST

re: #26 Obdicut

You didn’t actually answer my question, you know.

Well if strikes are the only means of negotiation wouldn’t you see them much more often? I am supportive of laws that restrict public service union’s ability to strike since it may have a massive affect on the general welfare. Unions can organize political campaigns to support and elect politicians who are supportive of their agendas, just like the rest of us. If they don’t like the proposals of the current administration, organize and throw your support behind a new administration next time. They do it all the time.

In the private sector unions have no other recourse in negotiation. They cannot change the leadership of a company by vote (barring the ability to purchase a majority share of the company’s stock if it is publicly listed but then the union itself would be management and you have another ball of wax) so they can affect the company’s success in the market through labor actions.