
Warren Buffett's Tax Hypocrisy

Achilles Tang8/27/2011 1:29:46 pm PDT

re: #30 Buck

I am NOT criticizing trying to pay less taxes, I am pointing out the hypocrisy of saying that he thinks everyone (including corporations) earning more than a million dollars should pay a higher rate of taxes, when he is at the same time trying to avoid paying the rate that exists right now.

You don’t know that he (your investment management) is trying to avoid any legitimate tax. It would seem that there is a disagreement on how to calculate that tax under the present spaghetti laws.

As to higher rates in general, this is an old argument that only teabaggers like you can’t see. Tax rates are now lower than they have been in 50 years, profits are higher than they have been in years, the richest are richer than everyone else compared to all countries except sorry ass dictatorships; but the “job creator class” is still not hiring.

You however think that everyone except the richest, including corporations, should pay for the national debt directly or indirectly, and on top of that the latter should be given even more breaks, just in case what has never worked in the past will work in the future.

You know what they say about people who do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result each time.