
Does 'Secure the Border' Mean 'Keep America White'?

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/21/2012 2:57:04 pm PST

re: #31 Daniel Ballard

When I say secure I do not mean I expect 100%. I also believe we can do better than recent years would show.


What would I do with them? No blanket amnesty. Given a record clean of felonies or serious misdemeanors, a fine and a work visa.

That is a form of amnesty, you know.

Not necessarily citizenship at first. Maybe never. Not sure.

This is a kind of thing you should figure out.

For the minors, a lifetime visa, and the right to live and work here. Perhaps citizenship at adulthood or with public service. Not sure how detailed to get here.

Which is what the DREAM act was.

Perhaps you get the gist of my feelings on this by now?

Yes, a quite broad amnesty, broader than has been proposed by either party at this point. But somehow you don’t think of it as amnesty.