
Sarah Palin's Word Salad of the Day: Obama 'Orchestrated' His Trayvon Remarks

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks3/29/2012 3:27:47 pm PDT

re: #7 The Ghost of a Flea

Not just Fox.

Sorry for the early OT, but the following caught my eye at that link…

CA Republicans Sue Hispanic Dem Candidate For Being Too Inspirational

In a pointed new challenge, a Sacramento law firm is asking a judge to block Hernandez from describing himself as an “astronaut/scientist/engineer” on the June ballot. The lawsuit notes Hernandez has left NASA.

What a fun trend this could be, minorities having to go to court for permission to publicly associate with their life’s work! There’s some job creation for you: Hernandez says on his Facebook page that it will cost $20,000 to hire lawyers to defeat the lawsuit.

Disgraced megalomaniacs like Newt Gingrich will still be referred to by their former titles such as “Mr. Speaker,” but only as a special reward for being forced to resign his post in shame.

As the article notes, he is the son of migrant farm workers. Inspired by the words of his father, he took American education seriously and eventually became what I consider to be a hero. (C’mon, a freaking astronaut qualifies as “Hero” in my book.)

This is what I read about him recently in Vida en el Valle.

Former astronaut motivates Latino youth

We can’t have that, now can we?/

This is also part of what pisses me off about hard-core anti-immigrant assholes. Would that they had their way, we’d be minus one inspiring astronaut right now, and our nation would be lesser for it.