
Overnight Video: How a Bicycle Is Made (1945)

The Spite House5/19/2012 11:02:30 pm PDT

re: #31 Shiplord Kirel

Reminds me of a story about Winston Churchill. It was 1946 and the new Labour government had started nationalizing all the major industries in Britain (including electric power). Churchill, then the opposition leader, went into the parliamentary men’s room and found the Labour PM, Clement Atlee, relieving himself at one end of the long trough-like urinal. Churchill took up a position at the opposite end, a good ten feet away, and proceeded to do the same. Atlee said, “What’s wrong, Winston, feeling unsociable today?”
Churchill responded, “No, Clem, it’s just that every time you see something big, you try to nationalize it.”

I really fucking hate urinal troughs.