
Kilmeade Asks Little Girls if Government Built Their Lemonade Stand

(((Viking Sea Mexican)))7/24/2012 7:09:03 pm PDT

re: #30 Buck

Don’t move so far from the actual point.

You are missing the trees for the forest. Yes the boat needs the tide to rise in order for it to rise, BUT the tide raises all the boats.

Everyone criticizing the Presidents speech is saying they are past that stuff. Why? Because everyone gets the use of the roads and bridges. Everyone gets access to the pool of educated people… (insert all the examples in your list). None of that is why some people succeed and some do not.

Way to dodge the issue. I’ll give it to you, Buck, you are one hell of a dodger.

But let’s see what some fool posted earlier:
re: #12 Buck

They are saying “get out of the way” to create a healthy business environment. So yes, “don’t do anything” in order to create a healthy business environment.

To create a “healthy business environment”, the government most do nothing. That’s what this damn fool is saying here. If the government does nothing, it means the current infrastructure will fail, and the “healthy business environment” becomes anything but healthy. The government is needed to provide what amounts for Shoulders of Giants to business to move forward. This is what this damn fool wants to ignore by asking the government “out of way” of business, the business will spend more time, money and effort on things not central to their goals and business.