
Photo of the Day (With Bonus Hilarity)

Birth Control Works11/17/2012 2:53:09 pm PST

re: #29 Targetpractice

Agreed. I live in a fairly vibrant suburban environment, which makes the prospect of five days in BFE Kentucky very unappealing. Yeah, I want to be there for Thanksgiving to spend time with my relatives, but at the same time, I’m old enough to realize now that most of them already have other commitments. Either they’re visiting their in-laws for the holidays or have moved hours away and don’t want to make the drive just for a couple hours of merrymaking. And it just doesn’t make up for the $200+ cost of getting there and back.

I’ve been to BFE Kentucky. I don’t think I’d go anytime but Summer—when there is a lot to do outside—away from people.