
Ted Nugent for President

lawhawk7/05/2013 5:42:40 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. Hope everyone had a great 4th, and while I was out and about, I couldn’t help but think and worry about not only our folks in uniform overseas doing their duties, but also to the Egyptians who had a revolution of their own that nearly coincided with our own Independence Day.

There’s a whole lot of uncertainty over there, and one couldn’t help but wonder if our own Revolution would have been successful if we had twitter, the Internet, and modern communications informing on every rumor, innuendo, and event as it was happening. It presents new opportunities and challenges, but religious fanaticism is going to be the central challenge.

Tossing Morsi out of power meant not only deposing a legitimately elected leader, but also the Muslim Brotherhood, who had been angling for power in Egypt ever since the 1920s. Their first opportunity lasted just over a year. They’re going to want it back - and the key is to avoid they seeking it by hook or crook. Setting up a new constitution and safeguards to reduce the chances of another military action in support of a popular uprising and bringing in the opposition into the government - perhaps with a parliamentary government may make more sense. There are model constitutions and government organizations that Egyptians can choose from that do more to respect human rights, civil liberties, and religious freedoms, all of which support economic freedoms as well.