
Tom Waits - Rare In-Studio KCRW Performance: The Fall of Troy

Killgore Trout3/16/2014 9:56:56 am PDT

Oh, those silly moderate mullahs…

Iran pursuing banned items for nuclear, missile work: U.S. official

Iran has pursued a longstanding effort to buy banned components for its nuclear and missile programs in recent months, a U.S. official said on Sunday, a period when it struck an interim deal with major powers to limit its disputed atomic activity.
Asked if he had seen a change in Iranian procurement behavior in the past six to 12 months, a period that has seen a cautious thaw in U.S.-Iranian relations after decades of hostility, Van Diepen replied: “The short answer is no.

“They still continue very actively trying to procure items for their nuclear program and missile program and other programs,” he told Reuters in an interview.

“We continue to see them very actively setting up and operating through front companies, falsifying documentation, engaging in multiple levels of trans-shipment … to put more apparent distance between where the item originally came from and where it is ultimately going.”

Asked for reaction to the allegation, a senior Iranian official replied: “No comment”.