
Sunday Jazz: Taylor Eigsti Quartet, "Hutcheonite"

Eclectic Cyborg2/21/2022 9:44:48 am PST

re: #291 Eventual Carrion

Cold showers suck

Years ago, due to me being well…not great with money at the time, I became unable to pay my propane bill and as a result lost my access to hot water (and my stove) for a couple of months.

Fortunately, we had a neighbor willing to let us use his shower in the short term. One night, I needed a shower but didn’t feel like going through the whole song and dance of dragging my stuff to the neighbors place so I took a cold shower.

I wasn’t fond of the experience, but after I got out I started thinking about how many people the world over don’t have access to clean water to be able to do what I had just done…and it made me realize how much those of us in wealthy nations really do take for granted.