
Overnight Open Thread

HoosierHoops5/02/2009 6:13:17 am PDT

re: #318 vxbush

Yes, it’s annoying and frustrating, but necessary as I’m taking extra time off next weekend—and certain things *must* be done if I’m going to do that.

But there’s a bonus: I get to stop by an open house where there will be Tupperware! And believe it or not, I need some. I’ve had to throw some stuff away and I could use some new storage containers.

Sounds great! You won’t believe this crap..Friday..2 pm..things are going sweet..I’ve got music blasting in the headphones..I’m reading LGF and cruising the GWAN when half of the whole friggin network crashes..
That was my Friday afternoon..Logging into to Routers world wide trying to figure out what the hell just happened…