
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars): 'We Are In the Last Days'

CuriousLurker7/18/2011 8:33:19 pm PDT

I can’t stick around tonight, but I just wanted to point to the latest stupidity coming through my inbox.

We already know how the socialist-sharia-enabling-gay-loving-hellfire-bound-family-and-God-hating-liberal-elites are working in tandem to destroy America, but now they’ve carried their plot to a new level.

Not only do we have to worry about the next generation of terror babies that are being raised right under our noses by Muslims who pretend to be moderate, but now we have to worry about the jihadists masquerading as gays. Yes, that’s right, now they’re pretending to be gay to escape detection by female spies.

Oh, and they’re wearing sunglasses (in the summer!) to make themselves harder to identify. //

This special alert has been brought to you by Robert Spencer via OneNewsNow, a member of the American Family News Network which is—surprise!—an affiliate of the American Family Association.

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Gotta run. Later, lizards.