
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

goddamnedfrank7/13/2012 7:42:31 am PDT
How big the pile of contradictory documents has to get before resumes doing its job is anybody’s guess, but the mainstream media needs, at this point, to emerge from the weeds and hold Mitt Romney accountable for what these documents prove beyond any doubt. Whether he was involved in day-to-day operations, or in specific deals, these documents prove that Mitt Romney was responsible for everything Bain Capital did from 1999 until at least 2002.

Mitt Romney was in Salt Lake City working on the Olympics, not the dark side of the moon. If any reasonable person chooses to believe that he could not have directed his Bain employees to abstain from investing in outsourcing and offshoring companies, then let him answer that question. He’s running for President of the United States, a position which will require him to take responsibility for the things he signs, even if people get mad at him later.