
Breaking: Explosions Reported at Finish Line of Boston Marathon

CuriousLurker4/15/2013 1:49:02 pm PDT

re: #296 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

What gets me are the two people.

One of them gets up early every morning. She trains hard. She is recovering from cancer, she’s a mother of two, and she feels slightly guilty about the time she’s taking to train but she wants to do this, to prove to herself she’s still alive. She spends day after day putting herself through pain, wondering if it’s worth it. But she does it, because life is about setting goals, even if they’re not reasonable or meaningful to others.

The other person also may get up early. He also may work very hard. But what he works very hard at is finding a way to kill her. To kill others like her. He is dedicated, too. Bombs like this are not easy to make, or to deploy. He does it because of hatred in his heart or insanity in his brain or religious fervor or delight in pain, for any number of wild evil reasons.

They’re both so human.

Some humans really suck. I’ll never in a million years be be able to understand the desire to maim & kill innocent people.