
Nazi War Criminal Escaped Justice in Egypt, Converted to Islam

SpaceJesus2/05/2009 12:53:20 pm PST

re: #312 J.S.

If you wish to discover what “the difference” is between a “natural” versus a “logical” progression, then I suggest that (after all since this misquote, the substitution of the word “NATURAL” with “logical” arises FROM YOUR POST - a misquotation) that YOU EXPLAIN It — or you can ask the original poster, CreepingEruption, what was meant by “logical”. You got that? And in so far as your use of abusive language, such as “retarded”? You have a LOT of “explaining” to do, as far as I’m concerned. Understood?

ooo hey, ever heard of a synonym? you know, one of those words that you can interchange with another even though it doesn’t mean exactly the same thing to get the same meaning across given the context of the sentence?