
Overnight Open Thread

haakondahl6/01/2009 4:13:26 am PDT

From CNN:

(CNN) — A French passenger aircraft carrying 228 people has disappeared off the coast of Brazil, airline officials say.

Air France told CNN the jet was making the 11-hour flight from Rio de Janeiro to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris when contact was lost.

The airline said flight AF447 was carrying 216 passengers in addition to a crew of 12. The plane is listed as an Airbus A330.

A crisis center is being set up at Charles de Gaulle where the plane had been due to land at 11.15 a.m. local time.

“We are very worried,” an aviation official told Agence Frane-Presse. “The plane disappeared from the screens several hours ago. It could be a transponder problem, but this kind of fault is very rare and the plane did not land when expected.”

Reports said an air force search and rescue operation was underway around the Brazilian island of Fernando de Noronha, 365 kilometers (226 miles) off the mainland.

The Airbus 330 is a twin-engine long-range aircraft introduced into commercial aviation in the 1990s. CNN air travel expert Richard Quest says the plane, a workhorse of trans-Atlantic routes, has an impeccable safety record.

“It has very good range, and is extremely popular with airlines because of its versatility,” he said.

It is now 1310 Paris time. The flight was due in about two hours ago. Fernando de Noronha looks to be about a third of the way from Rio to Paris, an eleven hour flight. If that is the vicinity of the last contact, then contact seems to have been lost about nine hours ago, perhaps three or four hours into the flight.

This does not look good.