
Va. Governor McDonnell: Slavery Wasn't 'Significant' Enough to Mention

Spare O'Lake4/07/2010 12:56:36 pm PDT

re: #289 garhighway

If you mean they are not significantly different from most mass media, then I would respectfully disagree. (BTW: “Mainstream MSM” is redundant.) I think FNC is substantively different than (for example) the new operations of the big three networks. I think that the big three really try to get the story right. They succeed or fail to varying degrees story-to-story, day to day, but their goal is good and honest journalism.

FNC, on the other hand, was founded with an eye towards promoting a political viewpoint, hired a Republican political operative to run the place to execute on that mission, and does so quite competently every day. You cannot watch them for any length of time and not get that. They are a propaganda channel, on purpose and by design.


I find it a useful counterpoint to CNN, in a “know your enemy” kind of way. I will admit that I often can’t take more than a few minutes of it at a time, but that may actually be a good thing. As for the networks, I find them all biased to varying degrees.