
Just When You Thought Sharron Angle Was Gone (or, The Return of the Loon)

jamesfirecat12/13/2010 5:59:17 pm PST

re: #316 compound idaho

There are a few. I consider myself one of them. I make my living as a self employed consulting scientist. Talk about a results oriented performance career. I cannot go around telling my customers that the earth is 4,000 years old and put food on the table (and shoes on Mrs Compounds feet). But where do you go if you think government should be smaller, do less, and tax less? The answer in my mind is clear. I could vote libertarian I guess? Seriously, not all republicans are bible toting (although I consider myself a man of faith), young earth, home schooling (not a bad idea if you put in the effort) morons.

///No just it seems like all the ones running for office are.

(Seriously how many Republican Senators at the moment are willing to say they believe Evolution is by far the best way to explain how human life came to be, and that neither ID or Creationism belong anywhere but a religious studies class?)