
Sarah Palin Deleting Old Tweets and Gunsight Maps

HRH Stanley Sea1/08/2011 3:48:26 pm PST
In February, when U.S. District Judge John Roll presided over a $32 million civil-rights lawsuit filed by illegal immigrants against an Arizona rancher, the Marshals Service was anticipating the fallout. When Roll ruled the case could go forward, Gonzales said talk-radio shows cranked up the controversy and spurred audiences into making threats. In one afternoon, Roll logged more than 200 phone calls. Callers threatened the judge and his family. They posted personal information about Roll online. “They said, ‘We should kill him. He should be dead,’ ” Gonzales said.

I hate this shit.

I’m really pissed he’s dead. RIP, Judge Roll. Your poor family.

Target or not, whatever. These are people serving their fucking country. gah