
Breitbart Editor Meredith Dake: A Note on Comments

Talking Point Detective4/03/2012 6:23:14 am PDT

re: #314 Interesting Times

This looks pretty global to me! Reminder - the areas in red and orange will not support food crop photosynthesis.

Industrial agriculture depends on a relatively stable climate, irrigation, and cheap fossil-fuel-based fertilizer. What’s going to happen when one, two, or all three of these things fail?

I can’t tell what time frame references your graphic. Keep in mind, that as some areas become unavailable for agriculture, other areas currently too cold to grow crops will become available. ‘That doesn’t help if you’re in a small country without a varied climate, but on a country as massive at the U.S., that mitigates the rate at which the total amount of farmable land is decreased.

If change happens at a per century rate at the extreme end of the estimated scale, then maybe 200 years would be enough for massive impact on a global level. Extinction? I’d guess not, but massive on a global level. However, the further you get to the extremes of the sensitivity estimates, the less probable they become.