
Alex Jones Says Aurora Shooting Was Staged By Obama

OhNoZombies!7/21/2012 9:08:56 am PDT

Morning all.
Well that was something. Remember that old chestnut from L.Ron Hubbard, and I’m paraphrasing, that the quickest way to make a million bucks is to start a cult? Some people say he stole that from Orwell, but whoever said it was absolutely right. In the U.S., we have the Church of the Gun, and the NRA is like their Vatican.

In my opinion, it was a brilliant marketing strategy, because some guy figured out how to tie the 2nd amendment to good ‘ol-timey fire and brimstone religion.

Yesterday, I linked to Warriors for Christ. These guys are looking for signs that point to the End of Days, and one of those signs includes The movement towards a one world economy ushered in by the anti-Christ. I have heard my mother in law say this , and she believes it with her whole heart.

The anti-Christ Muslim Usurper would have no problem facilitating the massacre of innocents to take our guns, in order to establish his dominion over the Earth through the U.N. (ouch my brain)

And thus, Alex Jones and Beck, and some other asshole somewhere makes a million bucks, while the thinking people are left trying to figure out how to keep WMD’s out of the hands out of the hands of psychos.