
Another Commie Plot?

A Mom Anon9/17/2012 5:09:10 am PDT

One of my neighbors is one of the nicest people you’d ever want to meet. She’s got two great kids,works for a chain of nursing homes,has a college degree and is a devout Catholic.She just organized a charity motorcycle ride to benefit Alzheimer’s research(my husband and a couple of his friends rode in it) She is however badly misinformed about politics because her dad(also a nice guy,would do anything for a neighbor in need)is convinced Obama is a communist and he spends way too much time watching Fox news.She comes from a really close family,literally,her parents and siblings all live in a little cluster of houses right next door to mine on about 15 acres. So what her mom and dad think carries alot of weight.

Anyhow,her new thing is to post stuff on Facebook about how the government is forcing Catholic employers to fund abortion coverage. Does anyone here have a link or source that I can show her that she won’t reject because it’s a liberal site(like ThinkProgress,etc)? I’m not going to call her out on her page,I’m going to send her the info privately. She’s smart,I think she’d be open to the truth. Maybe.