
Monday Night Slam: Foo Fighters, "Congregation"

makeitstop3/10/2015 7:09:10 am PDT

I have to say that I’m kind of surprised by the amount of negative blowback Tom Cotton and his merry band of seditionists are getting today.

The outrage could be a few notches higher, but even the amount I’m seeing is kind of a shock. The Daily News’ editorial (while engaging in some of the usual both-siderism) is justifiably harsh.

Regardless of President Obama’s fecklessness in negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran, 47 Republican U.S. senators engaged in treachery by sending a letter to the mullahs aimed at cutting the legs out from under America’s commander-in-chief.

We join GOP signatories in opposing the pact as outlined, but we strenuously condemn their betrayal of the U.S. constitutional system.

The participants represented the bulk of the Republicans’ 54-member senatorial majority, vesting their petulant, condescending stunt with the coloration of an institutional foreign policy statement.

They are an embarrassment to the Senate and to the nation.

Dems should seize on this and beat the crap out of them with this stunt. Tom Cotton handed them a Louisville Slugger, and they should damn well get to using it.