
Lindsey Graham on Charleston Shooter: 'That's Mideast Hate'

Dr Lizardo6/25/2015 1:55:49 am PDT

Meanwhile, Matt Drudge’s lead headline is citing Brietbart, who in turn have an audio clip of Louis Farrakhan, and he’s running with it.

Farrakhan is an outlier - that’s not to say that from time to time, he doesn’t make a legitimate point (the blind squirrel effect), but I know damn well what Drudge is doing - he’s trying to portray Farrakhan as representative of the entire black American community.

The NoI is a fringe group at best with estimates of 20,000 to 50,000 core members - not to mention that their teachings diverge greatly from orthodox Islam (can you say UFO religion? and they’ve hooked up with the Scientologists? - yeah……that’s mighty different, to say the least). But that won’t stop this from becoming a RWNJ talking point - and thus inadvertently give Farrakhan publicity he wouldn’t get otherwise. I’m sure he’s smiling right about now.