
Stephen Colbert Helpfully Explains How Mueller Sparked Trump's Latest Twitter Tantrum

Mattand8/03/2018 6:28:49 pm PDT

re: #320 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I live in bear country - well, sort of. I’ve never seen one around here. One of my brothers-in-law came home from work late one evening and thought he saw a dog in his driveway. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t a dog. I like bears, I wouldn’t mind meeting one… at a safe distance, and not when it’s hungry or protecting its cubs.

We had one somehow wander down to South Jersey from the mountains in North Jersey a few years back. Bears in these parts are as rare as Republicans with a conscience.

Apparently it was following the creeks in the area, eating skunk cabbage. Fortunately, it never caused a scene and moved on.