
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

solomonpanting11/07/2009 9:11:14 pm PST

re: #307 bratwurst

re: #268 Sharmuta

And as far as a tax on soda? I welcome it. The stuff is garbage that does nothing for your body. I quit drinking them regularly years ago and only drink them occasionally. I don’t miss it at all, and for folks who think that those who make bad decisions should have to pay for them- I would think a soda tax would be up their alley.

I am totally with you. If we can tax tobacco like crazy, I cannot for the life of me fathom how collecting 5 cents per can of high fructose corn syrup laden soft drink is objectionable. Do people deny there is an epidemic of obesity and related illnesses (esp. diabetes) in this country?

It’s well documented that regular exercise contributes to a healthy individual. How long until the exercise police make the rounds?