
The Guantanamo 'Suicides' - A Cover-Up?

jvic1/21/2010 12:45:08 pm PST

The enemy has made this a dirty war.

War, especially dirty war, involves actions that I do not want to, and should not, know about.

That doesn’t mean anything goes.

Combine Horton’s allegation with the reports that a significant fraction of released Gitmo prisoners rejoin terrorist organizations. Innocent people are bought from bounty hunters and abused, and terrorists are released.

The ethical conundra aside, there’s a serious issue of competence here. IMO it’s a systemic issue, not a partisan one. Harper’s:

Bumgarner was known as an eccentric commander. Hickman marveled, for instance, at the colonel’s insistence that his staff line up and salute him, to music selections that included Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony and the reggae hit “Bad Boys,” as he entered the command center.

Huh? What is this, the Zimbabwo-Slobbovian Imperial Legion? Maybe I don’t want to know the truth. Maybe I can’t handle the truth.