
Officer Darren Wilson Says He Has a Clean Conscience and Wouldn't Do Anything Differently

Schroedinger's Dog11/25/2014 4:56:40 pm PST

re: #318 Lidane

Of course Darren Wilson wouldn’t do anything differently. He murdered an unarmed black kid, walked away without facing any consequences, and he pocketed almost $1 million in donations from his racist redneck supporters. Plus now he gets to be a RWNJ media darling and make millions on the grifter circuit.

No wonder his conscience is clean.

I read a really disgusting diatribe today that basically said “You engage with the police, you run the risk of being shot.” and that Micheal Brown essentially deserved what he got. I didn’t respond, but frankly that tells me that the right of the police to shoot you is supreme to your right to personal safety, even if your safety is what you’re paying the police to protect.