
Pastor Hosting Conference With Huckabee, Cruz and Jindal Says Gay Marriage Will Lead to Cannibalism

calochortus11/03/2015 7:30:52 pm PST

re: #317 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

That was the board that almost abolished AP US History because they thought it wasn’t teaching American Exceptionalism. Good riddance.

We lived in Jefferson County for several years. People were far saner there 35 years ago-that school board wouldn’t have been likely to be elected back then.
The state legislature did amuse itself at the time by passing laws to control “vice” that were so poorly written that they outlawed a father giving his daughter a back rub, or coach examining the injured ankle of a girl on his volleyball team. Then they’d go back and have to redo them and come up with some other stupid unintended consequence.