
San Bernardino Shooting Update: FBI Investigating Possible Terrorism Link

weave12/04/2015 6:19:22 am PST

So I do my best to read both liberal and conservative blogs — because, you know, I don’t want to limit myself to one source of information and try to make rational reasoned decisions.

But my God, Erik Erickson is fucking bat shit crazy…. (below is his mocking “liberals” for how they are defending the recent mass shooters… )

See. It was not poor little Farook’s fault. He was driven to it by his parents. We need to be understanding of him. The Washington Post goes on to paint a rather fawning picture of the quiet and “respectful” kid who loved Chinese food.

The media always does this to terrorists. Rolling Stone put the glamour shot of the Boston bomber on its cover as if he was a rock star. Now the Washington Post want you to know Farook was a hard worker, quiet, and and smiled.

The American left, time and time again, tries to rationalize that somehow they and/or American society caused these people to become terrorists. It’s not them. It’s us.

But this one really wins the prize….

Obama is Far Nastier to Christians Than ISIS

He’s mentally ill. There’s really something wrong there.