
Bob Schneider's Latest AI Experiment is Pretty Great: "On a Train to Somewhere Awesome"

Hecuba's daughter5/28/2024 9:56:36 am PDT

re: #198 Dangerman

Not a first time offender
This was not an oopsie.
and I think everyone knows that. Not his first or only crime.
First time convicted guilty.
And not “a” crime. 34. Organized and planned with others. bordering on a conspiracy.

That’s before you consider his behavior.

And hopefully strip out the special treatment factor as if rich or white (or ex prez) entitles him to anything. Makes it worse imo. Cause billionaire and a measly $130k

Ffs treat him as one under the law like any other schlub.

He’s been convicted of a host of non-violent offenses — including defrauding charities. This is not the crime that will put him in jail — but house arrest would be great. And house arrest for a very extended period of time. How would you serve as president if you can’t leave your house for a couple years? And you cannot pardon yourself(state offense)?