
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

LGoPs4/08/2009 10:28:08 am PDT

re: #296 avanti

I’ll accept the naive. Even when I read his books, one of the first things that came into my head was “yea right” I think he actually believed he could change DC by force of personally. He thought the right would actually accept the good ideas from the left and the reverse when he should know the right is always wrong to the left, and the left to the right. The DVD and bow blunders are other examples of a rookie leaning the ropes.

The DVD illustrates to me the dismissive arrogance of a man that is so full of himself that he’s felt compelled to write not one but two books about himself. Self centered narcissism doesn’t even begin to explain it. The bow represents a subservience because he beleives America to be unworthy of it’s rightful role as a leading power in the world.