
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk6/09/2009 6:43:08 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the thunderstorm encircled NYC metro area. It was a dark and stormy night, and the morning isn’t much better, but then again, it’s a perfect reflection of the situation that happened up in Albany last night. Two Democrats staged a palace coup and sent Senate Democrats packing as they handed power over to the GOP.

For NYS politics, even this was something of a surprise - and something that hadn’t been seen or contemplated in the past. And who do we have to congratulate for the new mess (which is hardly better than the past mess?)

Hiram Monserrate, who is busy fending off criminal assault charges after being indicted in NYC, and Pedro Espada, who’s had some legal issues of his own dealing with election filings (or the lack thereof).

It’s a clown circus.