
Obama Health Care Town Hall Meeting

eschew_obfuscation7/01/2009 1:07:12 pm PDT

re: #320 jcm

Booze and Guns don’t mix.
To me, a responsible gun owner and carrier. ( I R 1 )
Won’t drink to excess while carrying.

I’m split on the issue. I prefer as few restrictions as possible. But see above rule.

We’ll see what happens. It will be a good study.

Case in point, awhile back in WA they wanted to close the so called “gun show loop hole” a WA senator asked the AG to find the number of cases where a gun show gun was used in a crime.

Result of the study?


The senator simply pointed out, why make a law when there is no problem?

We’ll see with this if there is a problem.

I strongly suspect we’d find similar numbers of CCW holders involved in crime with a gun, but we won’t be hearing that from the gun control crowd.