
And Now, the Blame Game

jamesfirecat1/20/2010 10:04:01 am PST

re: #309 sandbox

I believe the Nazis were tried by military after WWII were tried in military tribunals.

Further, not interrogating Uman, the underwear bomber, was stupid in the extreme. He was read his miranda rights.

I was responding to Steve’s

“I’m baffled about KSM…he’s an admitted killer, an elite AQ big dog and enemy of the US…execute him or dump him into supermax and be done with it…he doesn’t even deserve a tribunal let alone a civil trial in NYC…the whole premise is folly”

I’d prefer a civillian trial personally but I’ll settle for a tribunal just fine, but the above idea of just summary excution/imprisionment makes me shudder at the implications…